Welcome to the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Program

Our mission is to facilitate your understanding of the options and opportunities for academic programs of study, degree requirements, personal development, and future planning. Our service to you will be educated, dependable, accurate, respectful, honest, friendly, and professional.

We will:

  • engage you in a meaningful relationship designed to support and encourage a challenging and successful undergraduate education
  • provide guidance and leadership while recognizing that learning and knowledge will flow both ways in the student services partnership
  • empower and challenge you to obtain your academic and personal goals
  • work collaboratively with other offices on campus to provide you with the most accurate information and as many support services as necessary

We expect you to:

  • prepare for and participate fully in your advising experience
  • take ownership of your choices, words, intentions, and actions – academic and otherwise
  • actively participate in diverse and experiential learning both inside and outside of the classroom
  • develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that recognize needs, perspectives, cultures, values, and expectations in any situation

Contact the BLA Program

Donnie Longenecker, BLA Program Coordinator
Email Donnie Longenecker 

Jordana Rich, Academic Advisor
Email Jordana Rich

Donna Gabriel, Temporary Academic Advisor

Apply TO BLA

Program Faculty

Cameron Berglund
Cameron Berglund






Jackson Street Building, Office 143

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, Georgia 30602

Jose Buitrago
Jose Buitrago

Associate Professor





Jackson Street Building, Office 148

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, GA 30602

Jon Calabria
Jon Calabria






Jackson Street Building, Office 152

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, GA 30602

Marianne Cramer
Marianne Cramer

Associate Professor





Jackson Street Building, Office 150

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, GA 30602

Jessica Fernandez
Jessica Fernandez

Assistant Professor





Jackson Street Building, Office 142

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, GA 30602

Tom Jones
Tom Jones

Academic Professional





Jackson Street Building, Office 141

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, Georgia 30602

Lawrie Jordan
Lawrie Jordan

Visiting Professor

Sungkyung Lee
Sungkyung Lee

Associate Professor





146 Jackson Street Building

Donnie Longenecker
Donnie Longenecker

Senior Lecturer, Continuing Education Coordinator, BLA Program Coordinator





Jackson Street Building

Admin Suite, Office 116

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, Georgia 30602

Eric MacDonald
Eric MacDonald

Associate Professor





105B Denmark Hall

Athens, Ga 30602

Katherine Melcher
Katherine Melcher






9 Bishop House
Athens, Georgia 30602

Doug Pardue
Doug Pardue

Associate Professor





205 Denmark Hall

Ronnie Rama
Ronnie Rama

Part-Time Instructor

Jordana Rich
Jordana Rich

Academic Advisor




Jackson Street Building

Admin Suite, Office 118

Carley Rickles
Carley Rickles

Part-Time Instructor

James Schulte
James Schulte





3 Bishop House
Athens, Georgia 30602

Zhongzhe Shen
Zhongzhe Shen

Assistant Professor





Jackson Street Building, Office 151

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, Georgia 30602

Alison Smith
Alison Smith

Associate Professor





153 Jackson Street Building

David Spooner
David Spooner

Associate Professor





6 Bishop House

Ashley Steffens
Ashley Steffens

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Crowley Professor in Urban Planning and Design





Jackson Street Building

Admin Suite, Office 111

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, GA 30602

Amitabh Verma
Amitabh Verma

Associate Professor





285 S. Jackson Street, Room 145

R. Alfred “Alfie” Vick
R. Alfred “Alfie” Vick

Georgia Power Professor in Environmental Ethics and Director of Environmental Ethics Certificate Program





Denmark Hall, Office 203
Athens, Georgia 30602

Qiong Wang
Qiong Wang

Assistant Professor





4 Bishop House
Athens, GA

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