TRANSFORM: The Art of Adaptive Reuse and Giving Old Buildings New Life

UGA Chapel 109 Herty Drive, Athens, GA, United States

Lecture by Dean Deborah Berke Dean | Yale School of Architecture The College of Environment + Design is honored to host Deborah Berke, acclaimed architect, educator, and Dean of the Yale School of Architecture, for a special lecture. Renowned for her innovative approach to architecture that balances modernity with context and craft, Berke has led […]

Finding Meaning: Teaching and Practice

Jackson Street Building 285 South Jackson Street, Athens, GA, United States

Lecture by Bill Estes Senior Landscape Architect | MIG Lecturer and Affiliate Faculty | University of Washington

Discovering the Small Town Feeling

Jackson Street Building 285 South Jackson Street, Athens, GA, United States

Lecture by Associate Professor David Spooner Associate Professor | UGA College of Environment+ Design Learn more about David Spooner

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