Stephen Ramos


Stephen Ramos
Stephen Ramos






Tanner Building, Office 207

Athens, Georgia 30602

Professor Stephen Ramos is an international scholar of urban planning and design. His research focuses on port cities, energy transition, logistics, and planning history.

Ramos’s first book, Dubai Amplified: The Engineering of a Port Geography (Ashgate, 2010) received wide acclaim for its contribution to infrastructure studies, and it continues to be an important reference for Gulf urban research. Its second edition was published in 2016 by Routledge, and it was voted one of the “90 books about cities that everyone should read” by the National Science Foundation-sponsored “The Nature of Cities” webpage.

Ramos received his doctorate from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), where he co-founded the journal New Geographies. He was also co-editor of Infrastructure Sustainability and Design, as part of the GSD’s Zoftnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure. The book brought together top international engineering and planning firms and thinkers to develop evaluative criteria for a sustainability framework for large technical systems.

Ramos’s interest in the port-city relationship continued in his work on the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. With over $100,000 research support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Ramos explored the Savannah River corridor and the competing economic and social claims on the fragile coastal and riparian ecologies.

Ramos was part of the “Global Petroleumscape” research initiative at TU Delft, inspired by the idea that energy transition proposals are only possible if we engage with the full spectrum of oil integration in international material culture. During a teaching residency at TU Delft, he also explored the northern Dutch Eemshaven energy port and traced the biomass wood pellet feedstock in the Netherlands back to South Georgia tree plantations and farms. Ramos has also written on logistics and immigrant detention in a special themed issue on logistics in the TU Delft architectural journal Footprint.

Ramos is an active member of the international planning history scholarly community, serving as Editor for the Americas of Planning Perspectives, the U.K.-based journal of the International Society of Planning History, for which he is also Vice President-Elect.

Ramos also serves as an International Advisory Board Member and active participant in the Port City Futures research consortium among Leiden, TU Delft, and Erasmus Universities in the Netherlands. Ramos is active in the international arts and urbanism collective Port Futures + Social Logistics, which he co-founded with faculty from the UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art in 2020. The collective’s first online exhibition, PFSL 01, was live streamed internationally at art centers in Japan, Taiwan, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Professor Ramos’s current research focuses on the planning history of Howard W. Odum, Southern Regionalism, and U.S. Regional Planning. His forthcoming book, Folk Engineering: Planning Southern Regionalism, will be published with the University of North Carolina Press in 2025.

  • Doctor of Design (2009) Harvard University Graduate School of Design
  • MS Community and Regional Planning (2000) University of Texas at Austin
  • MA Latin American Studies (2000) University of Texas at Austin
  • BA English and Spanish (1992) Gettysburg College
Scholarly Interests

Port cities, infrastructure, global production networks (GPNs), energy transition, and planning history.

Awards & Recognition
  • Planning Perspectives Editor for the Americas
  • Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities Port City Futures International Advisory Board
  • Texts on Architecture, Teaching and Innovation (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) Scientific Committee
  • Ensayo: Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Territorio (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) Editorial Committee
  • Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, (TU) Delft University of Technology (2018-2019) Visiting Professor
  • Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (2018-2019) Grantee
  • Georgia Sea Grant (2014-2015) Grantee
  • Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts (2011, 2009) Grantee
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2025) Folk Engineering: Planning Southern Regionalism. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
  • Stephen J Ramos (2023) “Southern Regionalism: Social Science and Regional-National Planning in the Interwar U.S. South.” Planning Perspectives. Vol. 28 (4) : 799-817.  DOI: 10.1080/02665433.2023.2215731
  • Stephen J Ramos (2023) “The Regional Planning Association of America at 100: a new exploration.” Planning Perspectives. Vol. 28 (4) : 731-735.  DOI:
  • Carola Hein, Sabine Luning, Han Meyer, Stephen J Ramos, Paul van de Laar, eds. (2023) Shipping Canals in Transition: Rethinking Spatial, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions From Sea to Hinterland. Urban Planning  Volume 8 (3).
  • Stephen J. Ramos, Jan Derk Diekema, James Enos, Annie Simpson, Curators (2022) Port Futures & Social Logistics. PFSL01. International Exhibition.
  • Stephen J. Ramos and Umit Yilmaz (2022) “Energy transition and city–port symbiosis in biomass import–export regions.” Maritime Economics & Logistics
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2021) “Materiality in the Seam Space: Sketches for a Transitional Port City Dome District.” Urban Planning Vol. 6 (3).
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2021) Guest Editor. Special Issue: The Body Politic: Planning History, Design, and Public Health. Journal of Planning History
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2021) “Mapping the Persian Gulf Petroleumscape: The Production of Territory, Territoriality, and Sovereignty” in Carola Hein, ed., Oil Spaces: Exploring the Global Petroleumscape. London; New York: Routledge.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2020) “Biomass Logistics: Mythistory and Sociotechnical Imaginary in Trans-Atlantic Wood Pellet Assemblage.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2020) “COVID-19 and Planning History: A Space Oddity.” Planning Perspectives 35 (4) 579-581
  • Stephen J. Ramos and Jan Derk Diekema (2020) “NORTH SEA COSMOS: A Periplus,” in Nancy Couling and Carola Hein, eds., Urbanisation of the Sea: From Concepts and Analysis to Design. Rotterdam: nai010.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2020) “Port Futures in Postnormal Time(s).” PORTUS 40.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2019) “Governance, Mismatch, and Fit in the Savannah Port Region.” PORTUSplus 8.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2019) “Port Heritage and Creative Placemaking in Three U.S. River Ports.” U.S. Editor. PORTUS 38.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2018) “ICEBOX: The Logistics of Detention.” Footprint, Vol.23: 53-68.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2017) “Future Narratives for Planning History” in Carola Hein, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Planning History. London; New York: Routledge.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2017) “Resilience, Path Dependency, and the Port: The Case of Savannah.” Journal of Urban History. Published online first. April 19, 2017.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2016) “Redundant Infrastructure or Supply-Based Development Incentive?” in Infrastructure Monument. MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2014) “Planning for Competitive Port Expansion on the U.S. Eastern Seaboard: The Case of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.” Journal of Transport Geography, Vol.36: 32-41.
  • Spiro N. Pollalis, Stephen J. Ramos, Daniel Schodek, Andreas Georgoulias, eds. (2012) Infrastructure Sustainability and Design. New York; London: Routledge.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2011) “Network Realities Instabilities,” in Brett Steele and Francisco Gonzalez de Canales, eds., Net Works: An Atlas of Connective and Distributive Intelligence in Architecture. London: AA Books.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2010) Dubai Amplified: The Engineering of a Port Geography. Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate Press. 2nd Edition published in 2016 New York; London: Routledge.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2010) “Diversification, Clustering, and Risk in Dubai.” Volume/Archis. Special Edition Al Manakh 2, Vol. 23: 51-54.
  • Stephen J. Ramos (2009/10) “Dubai in Hindsight: Souq Cartographies.” Harvard Design Magazine, Vol. 31: 122-127.
  • Stephen J. Ramos, Neyran Turan, eds. (2009) New Geographies 01: After Zero, Vol. 1. Cambridge, MA: GSD/Harvard University Press.
  • Rania Ghosn, El Hadi Jazairy, Stephen J. Ramos (2008) “The Space of Controversies: Interview with Bruno Latour,” in New Geographies, Vol. 0. Cambridge, MA: GSD/Harvard University Press: 122-135.

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