Katie Marages

Assistant Professor, Circle Gallery Curator

Katie Marages
Katie Marages

Assistant Professor, Circle Gallery Curator





Denmark Hall, Office 107

Athens, Georgia 30602

Katie Marages is an Assistant Professor in the College of Environment and Design. Dr. Marages’ research focuses on the relationship between architecture, housing policy, race, and visual culture, especially in the context of public housing in Atlanta. While focused on Atlanta, she seeks to address larger questions about how visual rhetoric works as an agent in urban politics and in understandings of race. In addition, Dr. Marages has extensive experience in public history and oral history and has worked in collaboration with organizations such as the Atlanta History Center and UGA’s Russell Library. Her teaching incorporates primary documents, site visits, and public scholarship as much as possible. In addition to her research and teaching, Dr. Marages serves as Director of the College of Environment and Design’s Circle Gallery.

Professional Affiliations
Society of American and City Regional Planning History
Urban History Association
Professional Experience

Courses Taught:

  • HIPR 4000/6000: Introduction to Historic Preservation
  • LAND 4620/6620: Evolution of American Architecture
  • EDES 4610: Vernacular Architecture
  • PhD, George Washington University, Department of American Studies (2016)
  • MA, George Washington University, Department of American Studies (2010)
  • BA, University of Virginia, School of Architecture, Architectural History (2001)
Scholarly Interests

historic preservation, architectural history, planning history, urban history, visual culture

Awards & Recognition

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Institute for the Liberal Arts, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 2019-2022

Fellow, James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 2016-2017

Lectures & Videos
  • EDES 4630 20th Century Architecture
  • HIPR 4000 Intro to Historic Preservation
  • LAND 4620/6620 Evolution of American Architecture
Creation, Condemnation, and Commemoration: The Visual Culture of Atlanta’s Public Housing, (manuscript in preparation)
Web-Based Publications:
“Learning our Lessons: Civics Education, Urban Planning, and Race in Postwar Atlanta,” Atlanta Studies. May 31, 2018.
“From Infamous to Famous: (Re)Constructing Atlanta’s Public Housing Through Rap and Hip Hop,” Tropics of Meta, September 22, 2016.
https://tropicsofmeta.com/2016/09/22/from-infamous-to-famous-reconstructing-atlantas-public-housing-through- rap-and-hip-hop/

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