Connect with CED’s Career Consultant

The UGA Career Center is a valuable resource available to you throughout your time here as a student, as you prepare for graduation, and as alumni. Please take advantage of their free services, including discussing / preparation for graduate school, resume and cover letter critiques, mock interviews, career fairs, and much more.

Make an appointment by connecting with Brionna or visiting during walk-in hours.

Brionna is here to help you:

  • learn about career opportunities related to Landscape Architecture
  • discuss internship options, including “Intern for a Day” opportunities
  • learn about job search strategies, salary negotiation, and interview techniques
  • polish resumes and cover letters
  • discuss graduate school opportunities
  • navigate graduate student career services

Connect with a Mentor

Networking with experienced UGA alumni can help you get ahead in life and career, but where do you even start? The UGA Mentor Program narrows down the world of possibilities to meaningful connections. They are personalizing the networking experience – connecting you with mentors that are just right for your commitment.

Getting started is easy. Simply create a profile on their digital platform, attend a quick orientation, and then instantly begin searching for a mentor using a variety of search criteria including industry, major, location and more. If you’re not sure where to start, there are guidelines, icebreakers and resources on their site to help you along the way.

Find a Job or Internship on Handshake

Search for jobs that are personalized to your skill set, strengths, and interests. For full-time, part-time employment, on-campus employment, internships, and more.

In addition to Handshake, CED faculty have professional contacts around the globe. Please contact them or your program coordinator with questions or for more assistance.

Create an Account

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Georgia Funder for Founders Memorial Garden
Neal Weatherly

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