CED enjoys engaging in real-world projects and challenges and responds to the needs of Georgia’s communities through service-learning courses, design charrettes, historic resource surveys and our Student Job Board. The public is encouraged to contact us if you have a project that our students, faculty or outreach staff may be able to assist with. Our public service projects range from residential landscape design assistance for homeowners and research on historic buildings to county-wide historic resource surveys and conceptual master planning for communities.

If you are interested in CED assistance with your project, please contact Jennifer Lewis and provide the following information:

Contact Name:

Is this project for a private citizen, for an organization, or for a local government?

Project Name:
Project Location (City / County):
Project Description, including:

  • Site improvement goals:
  • Acreage:
  • Opportunities:
  • Challenges:
  • Timeline for completion:
  • Budget for design work:
  • Budget for implementation:

Please note that the work generated by College of Environment and Design faculty, staff and students is conceptual in nature and additional professional services may be needed to implement the project. The College is not responsible for consequences that may arise as a result of using conceptual designs as construction documents.

The Latest CED News

Neal Weatherly
Yulia Shaffer

Join the College of Environment + Design and prepare to shape our world.