UGA research and scholarship are enriched by involving contributors from outside the university, whether from the U.S. or international locations. UGA welcomes the opportunity to host visiting researchers and scholars and works to help them have a productive visit.

Within the College of Environment and Design (CED), the Visiting Researcher / Scholar Program (VRS) is intended to broaden the knowledge and understanding of landscape architecture, historic preservation, environmental planning, and related fields through creative research and teaching collaborations between the VRS and faculty.

Visiting Researcher / Scholar Program

The Visiting Researcher / Scholar (VRS) program is intended to broaden our knowledge and understanding of landscape architecture, historic preservation, environmental planning and design, and related fields through creative research and teaching collaborations between the VRS and faculty / staff at the College of Environment and Design (CED).

We use the terms Visiting Researcher and Visiting Scholar to refer to those visitors who are not UGA employees or enrolled students, but who are coming to UGA to participate in research or other activities require access to UGA facilities, systems, or services for 21 or more days on UGA campus.

A clear program of activity with specific research agenda and objectives in writing is required for consideration, and a VRS must explain how or whether outcomes of the proposed activity will bring mutual benefits to the VRS and CED faculty / staff.

During the application process and prior to arrival on campus, each VRS must identify / have a hosting faculty sponsor at CED, who will initiate the hosting procedures and serve as a primary contact of the VRS within the college for the duration of the stay.

A VRS in residency is expected to participate in various college wide activities and to contribute to the development of CED’s ongoing research initiatives and relevant strategic plans. A minimum responsibility of the VRS is giving a public lecture or seminar on their past work or work-in-progress. Other potential activities include co-teaching a class, co-authoring a paper, contributing to professional design projects involving CED faculty or staff, auditing classes (up to two classes per semester), or attending CED faculty meetings.

A VRS must possess English language proficiency with a TOEFL score of 80/20/20 or higher, and at least one of the following attributes:

  • Be a faculty member of an accredited institution
  • Be a practicing professional in their field
  • Possess a terminal degree in one of the CED’s disciplines or a closely related discipline.

The maximum visit for a VRS is 24 months.

A VRS is responsible for paying living expenses and all university-imposed fees.

For inquiries, please contact James Reap: [email protected]

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