Program Description
Total Hours: 17
The minor in Environmental Design will cultivate an understanding of the design process as a thinking and problem solving tool. Students will explore the nexus of function and aesthetics, the design of the built environment, and will enroll in the first two design studios in the landscape architecture curriculum. Studies will include application of sustainable principles to societal design problems, ecological design and planning for natural systems within the human domain, and application of design theory to real world site design problems. Students will learn design and graphic communication skills. Through elective courses, students will explore other facets of environmental design such as plant communities, history, construction, energy efficiency, urban design, and advanced level graphic communication. The minor in Environmental Design will be useful to students in many areas of study including Engineering, Ecology, Environmental and Life Sciences, Geography, Geology, Plant Sciences, and any student desiring to enhance creative abilities and problem-solving skills for application across disciplinary boundaries.
- A minor must contain at least 9 hours of upper division course work.