This certificate is available to students currently enrolled in a master’s program at UGA as well as individuals who already hold a master’s degree.

The intent of the certificate in Historic Preservation Studies is:

  • To develop an awareness of the contribution that historic resources make to the quality of life and environment.
  • To foster an understanding of historic preservation needs, problems, and opportunities and the role that individual citizens can play in the protection and perpetuation of historic resources.
  • To prepare students, as citizens within their respective communities, to serve as volunteer members of preservation organizations and/or government commissions and provide informed leadership to these and any other community preservation efforts.
  • To provide students an opportunity to study historic preservation as a part of their academic program or as a supplemental educational opportunity available to those who already hold a master’s level degree.

The certificate program requires a student to complete 15 hours of credit, including 6 hours of core requirements and 9 hours selected from the historic preservation curriculum. Three hours may be satisfied by a preservation-related thesis in the student’s academic department. The thesis proposal must be jointly approved by the graduate coordinator or major professor of the student’s degree program and the Graduate Director for Studies in Historic Preservation. The application is available here.

Contact the Program Coordinator

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