During the spring semester, Dr. Jessica Fernandez and her first-year Master of Landscape Architecture students in Studio II embarked on an exciting project: the Outdoor Pavilion Enhancement at Bert Adams Scout Camp. On the outskirts of Atlanta, in Covington, Georgia, this renowned camp has been a beloved destination for Scouts Troops since its establishment in 1960, offering a sprawling 1,300-acre space for fun, adventure, and training. The Primary objective of this Service-Learning project was to create an inviting main entrance and program the surrounding Pavilion area, located at the entrance of Bert Adams Scout Camp.
Throughout the design process, the students collaborated with stakeholders who played a crucial role in their designs. Notably, they worked with Josh Kirkham, the Director of Safe Scouting, Properties, and Facilities at Atlanta Area Council, as well as esteemed individuals such as Dr. Randy Rizor, Bruce Rado and dedicated members of the camp facilities team. This collaborative approach ensured that the design would align with the overarching goals and aspirations of the Camp and Scouts of America.
Dr. Fernandez’s student began the project with a site analysis, where she and her students familiarized themselves, met with stakeholders, and took a golf-cart tour of the camp facilities. Back in the studio, divided into three groups, the students began exploring various strategies and approaches that considered the existing site conditions and architectural boundaries left behind by a previous dining hall.
During the initial design process, students drew inspiration from various sources, including the Scout Laws, Scout Flame (a learning landscape to learn about controlled burning), and community building. After completing their initial designs, Dr. Fernandez’s students met with clients and stakeholders during midterms to get feedback on further refinement. As the semester drew to a close, the studio met at Bert Adams Camp, where they showed their final designs to the stakeholders, encapsulating their hard work and creative vision.