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College of Environment and Design


Faculty member Alfie Vick leading a Philosopher's Walk

The EECP faculty is an interdisciplinary group of scholars drawn from a wide range of departments at the University of Georgia. To become an EECP Faculty member, an applicant must: 

  • be a regular teacher of an approved course in the Certificate Program,
  • or shall have, within the past two years, advised a Certificate paper or a thesis or dissertation in environmental ethics,
  • or shall be engaged in research or publication in the area of the Certificate.

It is expected that as a faculty member, you: (a) attend one evening seminar or faculty meeting per year; (b) serve as an adviser or reader on an EECP student's paper committee; or (c) provide some other equivalent service to the Program. The faculty member must choose whether to remain on the faculty, resign from the faculty, or become a friend of the Environmental Ethics community. All faculty activities in the EECP are voluntary; no faculty member is paid by the Program, even if serving as a member of the Executive Committee or as a Coordinator. 

Please e-mail and detail what membership criteria you meet if you are interested in becoming an Environmental Ethics faculty member and/or if you have any questions.

© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602