Jose Buitrago

Associate Professor

Jose Buitrago
Jose Buitrago

Associate Professor





Jackson Street Building, Office 148

285 South Jackson Street

Athens, GA 30602

Professor Buitrago earned a bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture from the Pennsylvania State University (1995) with a Minor in Sculpture with high honors. He also earned a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from Harvard University Graduate School of Design (1997). José was honored as the Class Marshall during the Commencement Ceremony.

Upon arrival at the CED in 2002, Professor Buitrago taught all the core courses in Landscape Architecture. The main subjects taught include; basic and advanced design, theory, engineering, site planning, planting design, computer graphics, history of the built environment, sustainability, graduate thesis supervision, technology implementation, incorporation of service-learning projects into the curriculum, portfolio design, introduction to design research theory, and hand graphics among many others. Buitrago attained tenure status, was promoted to associate professor in May of 2010, and continues teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Georgia.

José’s professional design experience before joining the University of Georgia includes working with the highly regarded Landscape Architecture firm of Edward D. Stone and Associates in Fort Lauderdale-Florida. He also has extensive professional work experience in Florida, the Caribbean, South America, and his native USA Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, for over nine years. His practice included urban design, tropical environmental design, hospitality-resort design, higher-end residential design, and hurricane restoration for several mega-resorts. Buitrago’s hurricane restoration work included an assessment of pre-hurricane conditions and rebuilding with a strong emphasis on incorporating new construction standards that address the need to create a landscape of resiliency in the foreseeable scenarios created by climate change.

Buitrago has substantial knowledge of computer software applications and how to teach students to use various applications from InDesign and CAD to Photoshop-Sketch Up in their design work. In addition, he has taught several courses at the graduate and undergraduate-level studios. His current research focuses on the Caribbean Islands, heritage tourism as a mechanism to promote the preservation and economic development, and teaching computer design. He has also been honored with the Outstanding Teaching Faculty Award at Georgia.

Personal Interests

Cultural landscapes, computer rendering applications, global sustainability and health, clean energy / green technology, heritage tourism, and Spanish-Carribean design

  • Master of Landscape Architecture Harvard University – Graduate School of Design
    Cambridge, MA, 1997. Class Marshall
  • Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture The Pennsylvania State University
    State College, PA, 1997. Dean List
  • Minor in Art – Sculpture The Pennsylvania State University State College, PA, 1997. Dean List
Awards & Recognition
  • Recognized as Residence Life / Faculty of the month for October of 2015 by The National Residence Hall Honorary Georgia Alpha Chapter, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Inclusion of Design Work at Penn State University 50 years of Stuckeman Works Exhibition. The 50 year anniversary of the Pennsylvania State University’s Stuckeman College of Arts and Architecture was celebrated by hosting a peer review exhibition of the best work of alumni in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Graphic Design that showcase their impact on design through the past five decades. Jose Buitrago – BLA 1995 – Landscaping for Sea Turtles; Nesting Habitat Design for the Hawksbill Sea Turtles, Long Beach, Antigua, West Indies was incorporated in the exhibition as well as the proceedings.
  • Recognized for Outstanding Service As An Inaugural Member of the University of Georgia Diversity Advisory Council 2008 – 2013. Presented by Dr. Michelle Cook, Associate Provost and Chief Diversity Office for OID, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
  • Outstanding Teacher-2009. Recognized for superior teaching by the College of Environment and Design.
  • Inducted 1997 National Ronald E. McNair Scholar, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA.
  • Selected 1988 Outstanding Young Man of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican Youth Commission, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.
  • 1987 Outstanding Citizen of Caguas Medal granted by the city major, Angel O’Berrios, Caguas, Puerto Rico, USA.
  • Calabria, Ashley and Jose R. Buitrago.
    Computer Graphics for Landscape Architects: An Introduction. Clifton Park, New York: Thomson Delmar Learning Press, 2008. ISBN: 1-4180-6525-0.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, US: A Case Study of Heritage Tourism as a Mechanism to Promote Historic Preservation and Economical Development. Fall 2007. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Observatory E-Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 1. This peer reviewed research article was published by the UNESCO E-Journal and is edited by the University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. The Iconography of San Juan, Puerto Rico, US National Historic Site. Fall 2007. The Pennsylvania State University Conference Proceedings of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. This peer review research article was presented during the conference and it was published in the conference proceedings Fall of 2007.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. “Photoshop Can Mimic Hand Rendered Sketches.” Landscape Architect & Specifier News, August 2008. 26 and 28. This is a technical article published in a nationally re-known professional practice journal.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. “Night View Rendering Techniques using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and AutoCAD.” Landscape Architect & Specifier News. June 2008. 24 and 26. This is a technical article published in a nationally re-known professional practice journal.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. “Adobe Photoshop CS2 & AutoCAD Rendering Techniques, Part IV – Marker Rendering.” April. 2007. Landscape Architect & Specifier News. April 2007: 24 and 26. This is a technical article published in a nationally re-known professional practice journal.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. “Adobe Photoshop CS2 & AutoCAD Rendering Techniques, Part III – Water Color.” Landscape Architect & Specifier News. March 2007: 24 and 26. This is a technical article published in a nationally re-known professional practice journal.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. “Adobe Photoshop CS2 & AutoCAD Rendering Techniques, Part I – The Standard Sepia Color Print.” Landscape Architect & Specifier News. Feb. 2007: 26 and 28. This is a technical article published in a nationally re-known professional practice journal.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. “Adobe Photoshop CS2 &
    AutoCAD Rendering Techniques, Part I – The ACME Blue Print.” Landscape Architect & Specifier News. Jan. 2007: 24 and 26. This is a technical article published in a nationally re-known professional practice journal.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. Men’s Health Living Expert Advisors At Work This
    Issue. December 2009. Men’s Health Living, Vol 1, No. 2, pp 8.
  • Buitrago, Jose R. Men’s Health Living Expert Advisors At Work This Issue. December 2007. Men’s Health Living, Vol 1, No. 1, pp 12. 2010 – Buitrago, Jose R. & Tara K. Muenz. Landscaping for Sea Turtles: Nesting Habitat Designs for the Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata on a Developed Beach, Long Island, Antigua, West Indies, at the International Sea Turtle Society Annual Symposium on the Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles, San Diego, California, USA.

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