Collage of David Spooner and Lynn Abdouni

CED Faculty recognized by Students

The UGA Center for Teaching and Learning created the Thank-a-Teacher program 12 years ago to allow students an easy way to express gratitude to a professor, instructor, or graduate student teacher who has impacted their life in a profound and meaningful way. CED Associate Professor David Spooner and Ph.D. Candidate Lynn Abdouni are both receiving praise from students for their engaging classes.

Abdouni taught LAND 1500, an undergraduate Landscape Architecture studio, for the first time in the Fall and in the midst of the pandemic. Of her teaching style, a student said, “Your ability to connect to all students on the material and share your own passions on the subject really made hybrid learning not so bad this semester… I mean, I enjoyed having you so much I’m signing up for you next semester.”
(Link to Lynn’s teaching News)

Professor Spooner has returned to teaching a full load after serving for several years in an administrative role as CED’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. A student in his LAND 6210 “Representation and Design Communication” course says, “Your class has made me much more confident in my abilities moving forward and I generally believe that the cohort developed our skillset to a higher standard due to your supportive instruction.”

The honored UGA faculty and students’ letters are available at the link below. We are proud of Lynn and Professor Spooner!

Link to main article:

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