Ashley Steffens presented with an award.

Ashley Steffens elected president of Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

Congratulations to Ashley Steffens who was recently elected President and Chair of the Standing Committee for Strategic Planning of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) at their recent meeting held at the University of California, Davis. Steffens has been active with CELA for several years, previously serving on the Executive Committee as the Vice President for Communications and as track co-chair for Design Education and Pedagogy for the Annual CELA conference held at member institutions around the world.

Steffens is an Associate Professor at CED and is the Technology Editor for Landscape Architect and Specifier News, co-author of a book, Computer Graphics for Landscape Architects, an Introduction, and author of numerous published conference proceedings and articles. She teaches Hand Graphics, Computer Graphics, Plants of the South, and Community Design studio, as well as study abroad courses.

CELA is comprised of over 120 institutions and individuals who have interests in the preparation of landscape architects for global practice. Its eleven regions primarily cover North America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the Pacific Rim, but its outreach is worldwide. CELA’s mission is to encourage, support and further education in the field of landscape architecture, specifically related to teaching, scholarship, and public service. For more information about CELA, go to

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