Master of Urban Planning + Design Curriculum
The MUPD program is a two-year graduate program. The first year is focused on acquiring basic knowledge and understanding of the history, theory and practice of planning, ecology, GIS, research skills and community engagement. The studio sequence in the first year provides a workshop setting where students apply the information they are learning to a community-based project.
In the second year, the students are involved in a third neighborhood-based planning studio, as well as in shaping their master thesis or final internship practicum. They can focus their concentration on the existing ecological or cultural resource planning offers, or work with their advisor to shape a program tailored to their individual interests and career goals.
Requirements for the MUPD degree include satisfactory completion of all coursework, and an approved master thesis or practicum with an applied research paper. The 59 hours of the program are divided into core curriculum (37 hours), thesis or practicum (9 hours), and coursework in an area of emphasis chosen by the student (12 hours).