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Professor Reap has been invited to join the Distinguished Affiliated Faculty in Classics

The UGA College of Environment and Design is pleased to announce that James K. Reap has been invited to join the distinguished affiliated faculty in Classics.

Professor Reap is currently the Coordinator of the Historic Preservation Program in the College of Environment and Design and graduate advisor for the Classics A.B./Historic Preservation (MHP). He serves as co-director of the UGA Croatia Study Abroad Program, which will include CLAS 4305/6305 taught by Dr. Jordan Pickett in Maymester 2022. In 2021, Professor Reap has served as an official observer for the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) to the UNESCO Second Protocol Committee for the 1954 Hague Convention and the Meeting of the Culture Ministers of the G20 on the Trafficking of Cultural Property. He was an invited expert to participate in developing the Draft Policy on Cultural Heritage for the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). In the summer of 2021 he conducted research in Uzbekistan, and this fall received a grant from the International Institute for Central Asian Studies (IICAS) to coordinate the development of a guide to heritage legislation in the Central Asia region.


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