Mark Reinberger

Professor Emeritus

Mark Reinberger
Mark Reinberger

Professor Emeritus





206 Denmark Hall

Mark Reinberger, Ph.D., professor emeritus in the College of Environment and Design at the University of Georgia, has over thirty years experience in the fields of architecture and historic preservation. He holds degrees in architectural history, historic preservation, and the history of urban planning from the University of Virginia and Cornell University, spent fifteen years in architectural firms specializing in historic architecture, and has taught for twenty-five years in schools of architecture and environmental design, including twenty-one years at the University of Georgia. His research specialty is American architecture, particularly of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries but with many forays into twentieth-century material. He is widely published in both books and scholarly journals, and his “The Philadelphia Country House: Architecture and Landscape in Colonial America” will be published in 2015 by Johns Hopkins University Press. Dr. Reinberger retired as of the Spring 2021 semester, but is teaching a section of History of World Architecture this semester.

  • Ph.D. Cornell University, 1988: Architectural History, History of Urban Planning, Art History
  • M.A. Cornell University, 1982: Architectural History and Preservation
  • B.A. University of Virginia, 1977: Architectural History
Scholarly Interests

American Architecture and Urban Planning
Vernacular Architecture
Building Materials Conservation

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